Champ is a 3 year old male golden retriever. He's your typical loving Golden boy which makes no sense with the life he has had. He and two other dogs were chained up outside dogs with only one of the dogs being fed by the owner. As you can see from Champs pictures he was not the dog that was being fed. Unfortunately, the other dog on the property that was not being taken care of was found dead. The third dog that was being fed was luckily removed from the property.
Champ was taken in by a kind lady who reached out for help for Champ. He had not been able to keep food down, his urine was brown and yet his tail was wagging. He immediately was taken to an ER vet in Ft Wayne. He has had blood work, urinalysis, x-rays, and an ultrasound done. There was concern he might have eaten something that was causing a blockage but the ultrasound didn't show any issues thankfully. He did have a UTI so besides the usual fluids he is was receiving an antibiotic in his IV. He was also getting cerenia for the nausea and to help him be able to keep food down. The ER vet was worried about Refeeding Syndrome which can be deadly to a dog who was being starved. He left the ER Vet on July 21st and was released to a foster home who has been feeding him very small amounts of food, multiple times a day and increasing the amount daily.
This has worked well and as of August 29th, Champ has gained 11 pounds and 5 inches around his waist, from 15 inches to now 20 inches.
We're asking for continued prayers for Champs' recover and also for much needed donations towards his care. Champ will be available for adoption once he is back to health. If you are interested in adopting any golden retriever, the first step is to read
"How to Adopt" and follow the directions from there if you qualify.
Click the "next golden" button below to see the next golden retriever for adoption.