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Foster A Golden
Foster A Golden Retriever

Yes, fosters have the first opportunity to adopt a golden retriever!

A key component of the Golden Retriever Rescue Resource dog adoption program is the foster home. Without adequate numbers of foster homes, we are limited on how many golden retriever dogs we can take in at one time.

The principle behind fostering a golden retriever is to provide the dog entrusted to our care with a home environment in order to evaluate their habits and behavior. It is also to offer the new owner more information on the dog.

We are desperate for caring, responsible, golden retriever lovers. We need you to join our cause to help these dogs.

Open your home and your heart to our rescue golden retriever dogs. It means we can save more dogs who are waiting to come out of puppy mill breeding facilities, high kill shelters, and those who are surrendered by their owners.

Many of our adopted dogs begin in foster or foster to adopt homes. Foster-to-Adopt families have been through our application process, a home visit and have been approved to adopt a golden retriever. These families are willing to foster a dog to make sure it is a good fit for the family prior to committing to the adoption.

Take action. Help Golden Retrievers by reading “How to Adopt” and let our adoption team know you want to become foster. Our foster application is the same for adopting, and the same rules apply for both fostering and adopting. 

Don't make them wait! Become a foster home!
Frequently Asked

Dog foster homes are responsible for the daily care of the foster dog, including feeding, exercising, socializing, grooming, reinforcing basic obedience commands, observing and evaluating general behavior and temperament. In addition, the most important thing you can provide is love, initial training and security to a special golden retriever at an often very difficult time in his or her life.

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The foster stay varies with each dog. Dogs with special needs may need to stay in foster care for a period of months. It really depends on the individual dogs situation.

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Lack of funds shouldn’t prevent you from fostering, but you will have some expenses; a good quality dog food, telephone calls to prospective adopters and any toys you choose to provide. Necessary veterinary care is provided by authorized veterinarians and paid for by Golden Retriever Rescue Resource, GRRR, Inc. Medications including monthly heartworm preventative are provided as well.

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Yes, a permanent fence is required. Outside the yard the dog must be on leash at ALL times. 

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We try to place the golden retriever with the foster family that will best suit its individual needs.

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Many foster family members are employed outside the home and still provide a quality environment for the dog. We do require that any time you are unable to directly supervise the foster dog, he / she must be confined to a small, secure area, preferably a training crate. This results in a safe secure place for the dog and keeps concern for the foster families safety and home in the forefront.

Become a foster today!

Volunteers are available by phone or by email to work through most every problem or to answer general questions at any time. Being a foster home is extremely rewarding. However, you should keep in mind that most, but not all rescue dogs are housebroken, some may be ill, had little socialization or obedience training. We find that when given a chance, these dogs not only improve, they flourish in their foster care, thanks to you!

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Most fosters become attached, it is just part of the process. You will become attached to your foster dog, especially the first few dogs. We lovingly call them failed fosters. You need to look at this as an adventure. There will ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS be another foster dog that will need your help. We URGE you to keep in mind this is temporary and you are a temporary, loving foster / foster family helping to move the dog into their loving, permanent home.

When you meet the new family who is ready to provide that home, you’ll feel extremely satisfied knowing you really helped a dog move from a rescue situation into a wonderful life for keeps.

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If you are fostering and want to go away for the weekend or take a vacation, the foster dog can be returned to the care of Golden Retriever Rescue Resource. Just give us a good “heads up”, so we can prepare to take care of the dog while you are away.

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If you decide to be a foster home, it should be with the understanding that you are working towards helping a deserving golden retriever into a final, loving home. If you think you might like to adopt a golden retriever, we require that you make sure we do not have another candidate in line for your dog first and let us know you want to adopt right away. Payment for the dog and a contract must be signed to adopt.

Since we lose money on every adoption and rely on donations for our vet care. Foster homes need to also pay the adoption fee in a timely manner just like everyone else, without exception.

Become a foster today!

The number of foster homes we have really determines how many dogs we can save. It’s really that simple. So please consider fostering a golden retriever today!

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